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Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing Talks with His Greek Counterpart Over Phone
2003-05-12 00:00

On the afternoon of May 12, 2003, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing had a phone conversation with Foreign Minister George Papandreou of Greece, chair of the EU.

Li briefed Papandreou on China's all-out fight against SARS and noted that China has received widespread sympathy and support from the international community including Greece and the European Union, which inspired the Chinese people's resolve to fight SARS. We are fully confident and capable of winning victory over SARS. Li also thanked Greece and Papandreou for their positive efforts to promote the development of China-EU relations during Greece's rotary presidency of the EU.

Papandreou expressed gladness at Greece's contributions to the development of China-EU relations during its rotary presidency of the EU. He said that Greece respects China very much. The Greek and European people have always had friendly feelings towards the Chinese people, would like to conitinue to help China to fight SARS and hope and believe that China can claim vicotory over SARS as soon as possible.

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