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China To Stick To Path Of Peaceful Development
2009-02-11 15:27

China would stick to the path of peaceful development and a reciprocal and win-win open strategy, visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said here Tuesday.

China would boost its own development through broad and reciprocal cooperation with other countries and in turn promote a common development with its own progress, contributing to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, Xi said at a luncheon hosted by Chinese and Mexican entrepreneurs.

Though China has made some achievements in its reform and development, it remains a developing country with its per capita GDP ranking over 100th in the world, Xi said.

Long-time and arduous efforts are needed to modernize the country while a peaceful international environment and a stable and harmonious domestic environment are crucial for China to achieve the goal, he stressed.

With regard to the Sino-Mexican relations, Xi said the Chinese government has always been attaching great importance to advancing its ties with Mexico.

He noted th countries are in a crucial stage of economic development and are provided with rare opportunities for broader economic and trade cooperation, he said.

Xi said he would meet with Mexican President Felipe Calderon during his visit and exchanged views with him on deepening strategic partnership between the two countries.

China and Mexico should seize the opportunity to achieve joint development and complement each other with respective advantages to reach a mutually beneficial and win-win scenario, so as to advance the Sino-Mexico strategic partnership, Xi added.

He also expressed the hope that Mexican and Chinese entrepreneurs would join hands to make greater contributions to creating a brighter future for bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

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