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CPC Delegation Attends Greek Communist Party's Congress
2009-02-19 15:35

Mutual understanding and friendship between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Greek communist party KKE have witnessed steady growth, Lu Hao, a member of the CPC Central Committee, said here on Wednesday.

Lu, who is leading a CPC delegation to come to attend the 18th congress of the KKE, made the remarks when meeing with KKE General Secretary Aleka Papariga on Wednesday.

The Chinese delegation also attended the opening session of KKE's congress on Wednesday.

During the meeting with Papariga, Lu expressed congratulations to the KKE on behalf of the CPC.

Lu said "The CPC attaches great importance to relations with the KKE and will further its ties with the KKE based on the principles of independence, full equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. "

For her part, Papariga expressed thanks to the CPC delegation for attending the congress. She said the KKE is willing to strengthen ties with the CPC and enhance communications and exchanges between the two parties.

Representatives from 90 political parties in 72 countries attended the 18th KKE congress, which was expected to conclude Feb. 22.

The foreign delegations also participated in an international solidarity rally in Athens and other events.

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